James Glenn Murray s.j.

James Glenn Murray s.j.

1979: Ordained

1979-1980: Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, Berkeley, California (OAK)

1980-1981: Holy Cross, Durham, NC; St. Bernadette’s, Bunter, NC; Duke University, Durham, NC

1981-1988: St. Frances Academy, Baltimore, MD

1981-1982: Loyola College, Baltimore, MD

1982-1984: Jesuit Community at Loyola College, Baltimore, MD

1984-1991: All Saints, Baltimore, MD

1991-1992: Jesuit Community Corporation at St. Louis University, Jesuit Hall, St. Louis, MO

1988-2007: St. Henry’s, Cleveland, OH

1989-2007: Office of Pastoral Liturgy, Cleveland, OH

2007-2011: St. Aloysius, Washington, D.C.

2011-2018: Unknown

Notes: Fr. James Glenn Murray was a Jesuit priest who worked at various parishes in California, North Carolina, Maryland, Ohio, and Washington D.C. In 2005, a report was made to the Province of the Society of Jesus that Fr. Murray sexually abused a student who was a minor in the early 1980s. The Jesuits claimed they informed the police who closed the case after the survivor wouldn’t speak with the police. The Province deemed the allegation to not be credible and Fr. Murray was allowed to remain in ministry. In 2011, the Church revisited the case and based on new information, deemed the allegation to be credible and Fr. Murray was removed from active ministry. In 2011, it was reported that he was living in a monitored residence within the Jesuit Community. Fr. Murray’s current whereabouts, his status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown.

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