On the front line of making sex abusers accountable

Boucher LLP and Pearson Warshaw, LLP have partnered together to investigate sex abuse claims against individuals and institutions including the Catholic Church, school districts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and the entertainment industry. With the passing of California Assembly Bill 218, the statute of limitations is extended for childhood sexual assault claims. Victims of sex abuse can file a lawsuit and seek damages regardless of age.

What you need to know about the new Assembly Bill 218 that passed in 2020, from Ray Boucher top Los Angeles sexual abuse attorney.

The most experienced attorneys to seek justice on your behalf.

Raymond P. Boucher was lead counsel in the Archdiocese cases in the early 2000s and was instrumental in bringing justice to survivors in Los Angeles, Ventura, San Diego, Orange, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Fresno counties. These cases resulted in recoveries in excess of $1.2 billion for survivors, including the landmark settlement against the Los Angeles Archdiocese for $660 million.

Ray helped bring closure to survivors of sexual abuse and accountability against the predators who abused them and the institutions that protected them. Ray continues to fight to help survivors of sexual abuse who have suffered in silence.

We are here to help in every way to make the institutions safer and hold abusers accountable for their actions.

Our experienced team of attorneys are standing by to provide you with a confidential consultation, free of charge. We are available 24/7. Call us today.

Advocacy & Guidance

The lawyers at Boucher LLP and Pearson Warshaw, LLP have over 200 years of combined litigation experience and have confronted some of the toughest institutions. We fight for our clients as their partner and advocate. We protect their rights every step of the way.

Confidential Consultation

We are seasoned lawyers working relentlessly to hold abusers accountable. Our team has the expertise and landmark cases behind us to give you the best way forward. We will make the process as seamless as possible by establishing your goals, aligning your expectations, and giving you the legal support you need to make the right choices. Our consultation is free and confidential. Call us today now that California has given you the opportunity to pursue damages.

Boucher LLP and Pearson Warshaw, LLP have helped secure over $3 Billion in settlements to date.

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(844) 547-9444

15165 Ventura Blvd. Suite 400
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
21600 W. Oxnard St., Suite 600
Woodland Hills, CA 91367

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Time Is Limited To File a Claim
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