Fr. William J. Walsh

Fr. William J. Walsh

1954: Ordained

1954-1955: Woodstock College, Woodstock, MD

1955-1956: Jesuit Tertianship, Auriesville, NY

1956-1961: St. Ignatius, Baltimore, MD

1961-1965: Bishop’s Latin School, Pittsburgh, PA

1965-1966: Unknown

1966-1967: Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

1967-1973: Novitiate of St. Isaac Jogues, Wernersville, PA

1973-1975: Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

1975-1979: Novitiate of St. Isaac Jogues, Wernersville, PA

1979-1980: Unknown

1980-1985: Jesuit Fathers and Brothers Maryland Provincial Curia, Baltimore, MD

1985-1986: Jesuit Community, Berkeley, CA (OAK)

1985-1991: St. Alphonsus House at St. Joseph University, Philadelphia, PA

1989-1991: Loyola Center at St. Joseph University, Philadelphia, PA

1991-1996: China

1996-1998: Woodstock Jesuit Community at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

1998-2010: Ferdinand Wheeler House, Baltimore, MD

2010-2012: Colombiere Jesuit Community, Baltimore, MD

2013-2018: Unknown

Notes: In 1996, while on a foreign mission in China, five sisters accused their uncle, Fr. William J. Walsh, of sexually abusing them approximately 40 years earlier. Fr. Walsh was recalled from China and reassigned to Woodstock Jesuit Community at Georgetown University. Two years later, in 1998, the five sisters made their allegations public because the Jesuit order had not removed Fr. Walsh. The Order subsequently removed Fr. Walsh from active ministry. It was reported that the sisters had all been sexually abused individually and believed herself to be the only victim of Fr. Walsh. It was not until 40 years later that they reconciled their stories. One sister claimed Fr. Walsh had abused her up to 200 times. Fr. Walsh’s whereabouts, his status as a priest, and whether he has access to children are unknown.

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