Fr. Martin M. (M.M., Martin M., Mark, Mark M.) Donnelly

Fr. Martin M. (M.M., Martin M., Mark, Mark M.) Donnelly

Ordination: Unknown

Notes: Fr. Martin M. Donnelly was a Dominican priest who was accused of sexually abusing two sisters from 1951 to 1955 at Holy Rosary in Portland, Oregon. Fr. Donnelly was included in the “Certain Accused Priests in the Archdiocese of Portland” list published by The Oregonian. After working at St. Dominic’s, Fr. Donnelly worked in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles as a teacher at St. John Vianney High School. Fr. Donnelly’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown.


1950-1955 Holy Rosary, Portland, OR

1955-1956 St. Dominic’s, San Francisco, CA

1956-1960 St. John Vianney High School, Los Angeles, CA

1960-1961 Holy Rosary, Portland , OR

1961-1966 Blessed Sacrament, Seattle, WA

1966-1967 St. Dominic’s, Benicia, CA

1967-1969 State Penitentiary, Salem, OR (chaplain)

1970-2018 Unknown

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