Fr. John W. Wishard

Fr. John W. Wishard

1962: Ordained

1962-1964: Holy Trinity, San Pedro, CA

1965-1972: On Duty Outside Diocese

1973-1977: St. James, La Crescenta, CA

1977-1979: Our Lady of Malibu, Malibu, CA

1980-1981: Absent on Sick Leave

1982-1986: St. Camillus, Los Angeles, CA

1987-1988: St. Genevieve, Panorama City, CA

1989-1992: St. Ignatius, Los Angeles, CA

1993-1997: St. Mary, Santa Maria, CA

1997: Retired

1998-2018: Unknown

Notes: According to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles at least one survivor has come forward alleging child sexual abuse by Fr. John W. Wishard, in approximately 1980. Fr. Wishard pleaded no contest to child sexual abuse charges in 1980 and was sentenced to five years’ probation. A judge terminated Fr. Wishard’s probation in 1982 and the conviction was later dismissed. The Archdiocese returned him to active ministry in 1987. He worked as a police chaplain prior to his retirement in approximately 1997 and was laicized in 2002. Fr. Wishard was included in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ list of priests accused of sexual misconduct involving minors. It is believed Fr. Wishard was living in Henrico, VA in 2016. Fr. Wishard’s current whereabouts, and whether he has access to children are unknown.

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