Fr. Charles H. Rourke

Fr. Charles H. Rourke

Ordination: 1958

Notes: According to the Diocese of San Bernardino, Fr. Charles Rourke was an extern priest with faculties who was accused of sexually abusing a child in 1979. He died by suicide in 1993 while under investigation for alleged sexual abuse of children in Albuquerque, New Mexico. According to a Special Pastoral Report from Diocese of Tucson Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas released in 2003, a review of archival records revealed that there was a failure to report allegations against Fr. Rourke and that the Diocese of Tucson gave Fr. Rourke assignments after there was awareness of an allegation. Fr. Rourke was named in a civil suit, which settled in 2006 as a part of the Diocese of Tucson bankruptcy settlement. Fr. Rourke was named in the Diocese of San Bernardino and Diocese of Tucson’s lists of clergy credibly accused of child sexual abuse. He was also named in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s list of clergy accused of child sexual abuse.


1959 Immaculate Conception, Douglas, AZ

1960-1961 Queen of Peace, Mesa, AZ

1962 St. Joseph’s, Tucson, AZ

1963-1965 All Saints, Tucson, AZ

1966 St. Augustine’s Chapel, Tucson, AZ

1967-1968 University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

1969 St. Monica, Tucson, AZ

1970-1971 Absent on Leave

1972-1973 Unknown

1974-1975 Sacred Heart, Nogales, AZ

1976-1981 On Leave of Absence

1982-1983 St. Andrew, Sierra Vista, AZ

1984-1990 Absent on Leave

1991-2018 Unknown

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